1.Show that you Care — If we treat people only as the means to an end, we will never have their loyalty. Don’t just consider them as a robot on your cog-like production line.Treat your people right. It doesn’t mean being overly attentive or soft but demonstrate that you value people.
It doesn’t take much to show people that you care. If you have an employee on extended sick leave or who loses a family member. Pick up the phone and call them. Be genuinely sympathetic. It will mean the world to them. Sending a card or flowers is good but take the time to call them. This is something they will never forget. You don’t have to pry. Just a simple question as, “How are you doing today?” will let them know that you care. Some employees require time off for family commitments, educational or professional development programs. Where possible be flexible. If employees have to go through red tape or interrogation to get time off, they will decide to call in sick.
“ Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.” ~Richard Branson
2. Show Respect — Wanting employees to come in early and leave late on a daily basis shows a lack of respect for their personal lives. Additionally, contacting them after work hours or while they are on vacation should be avoided. Yes there are situations where you will need to, but this should not be the norm. When employees realize that you don’t care about them by infringing on their personal time, everything you do regarding relationship building activities will seem superficial. Furthermore respect is a must. A good manager doesn’t talk down to staff or make them feel inferior. Team members should not feel any pressure or intimidated to come directly to you. Show respect for all those you come in contact with inclusive of the janitor, security guard and anyone else.
3. Connect with your Team — Be visible. Make your presence felt. Don’t just lock yourself in your office for the whole day and only communicate with staff when you want something done. How can you motivate the troops when you are out of sight? Come down from the mountaintop and mix and mingle with your subordinates. Sit at lunch with them. Get to know your team. Build relationships.
4. Advocate for Staff — Exhibit loyalty to your employees. In some cases if a complaint is made against an employee, the manager is quick to jump in, and suddenly all the good the employee has done is cast into the sea of forgetfulness. Don’t be the judge, jury, and executioner. Don’t throw your people under the bus, let them know you have their back. Managers also lose credibility when they refuse to hold themselves accountable, point fingers and palm of the blame on others.
“We are interested in others, when they areinterested in us” ~ Publius Syrus
5. Grant Autonomy — Micromanaging and breathing down someone’s neck all the time can be very disheartening. Sometimes knowing when to step back and let your employees do their work is what they need. Give people responsibility and challenges that will help them to grow. Let them come up with ideas. When you empower your employees it shows that you trust them and they will not want to let you down.
6. Be Fair and Neutral — We know too well about office politics and favouritism. It’s really sad when employees can tell who will be getting the next promotion based on a manager’s relationship with some employees. Unfair practices relate to how vacancies are filled, disciplining inconsistently and even in how a leader allows leeway in work schedules. This fosters low engagement. Give constructive feedback rather than criticism. Don’t give preferential treatment to some employees and ignore others. Everyone is watching and noticing more than you think.
7. Share and Give Credit. — Don’t brush over your team’s successes with a bland acknowledgement while automatically working towards the next goal? Be generous with Reward and Recognition and “Thank Yous.” Recognize publicly. Rather than just recognizing top performers include those who are improving or doing their best. Furthermore, Celebrate victories. Don’t be a taskmaster! Yes, employees already know that they come to the office to do a job, but you should not stop them from having fun as well. People want to work with great people and have fun at work.
“ Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Leadership is a both a give and take relationship. If you want employees to go the extra mile, you have to go the extra mile too. If you want loyal employees — treat your people well.